The Story Will Save You
In these usually-bite-sized episodes, we explore the nuances of writing and publishing from the perspective of authors, agents, editors, and those who haven’t quite yet broken in—and how, at the end of the day, it’s the art of storytelling that’ll save us (or obliterate our sanity into dust … it’s a coin flip).
Hosted by Pipeline Artists' Ciara Duggan, Jeanne Veillette Bowerman and Matthew Joseph Misetich.
The Story Will Save You
Erin Hemenway: From Screenwriter to Self-Published Author
Writer Erin Hemenway shares her path from circus youngin' to screenwriter to self-published author ... who created a Naughty Mrs. Claus.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Resources from this episode:
The Night Before Christmas by Erin Hemenway
Erin Hemenway's website
Erin on IG: @erin.go.write
Erin on TikTok: @erin.go.write
Erin on Facebook
Symposium's mentioned:
Step-by-Step Guide to Indie Publishing Success (discounted bundle)
Self-Publishing: The Fundamentals and Beyond
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Book Pipeline (Unpublished and Adaptation)
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